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Re: [LUG] Wanadoo

On 2004.09.18 10:02 Terence McCarthy wrote:
On Sat, 18 Sep 2004 08:31:15 +0100
Peter Lloyd-Jones <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> As a aside with my windows machine will sitting quietly in the
corner, if I
> boot up my linux box the windows machine starts up AOL and Logs on.

I presume you connect to the web through your Linx box, and that you
have a connected router, or that your Linux box is your network

If so, I would think that turning off the browser and /or altering the
settings in your M$ machine will stop it.

I would think it was the opposite, in that the windows box is the network gateway, and is responding to a request from the linux box on its boot. Like other windows apps that fire up the network connection if you are "offline".

For the original topic, I personally wouldn't go with Wanadoo, as I spend an appreciable amount of time blocking their ips for intrusion attempts on my servers. Ok, its mainly the french ips but, they don't seem to respond to abuse complaints.

Despite the frequent bad press that BT gets, I have a 1Mb adsl line at home from BT, and it never goes down, I run my freebsd server with mail server, and I get 30 Gb / month transfer, for £24 + vat / month.
It went down in price recently ( strangely after I took part in a survey for them and complained about the price) and they virtually trumpeted the new rates in the flyers. Overall, I saved around £12 / month after the price drop. Not bad.


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