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[LUG] Keysigning results

The DCLUG keyring image has been updated, it gives a graphical representation 
of who has signed whom.


The August meeting at James' farmhouse was a successful keysigning event and 
the new graphic shows a new group of keys that are tightly bound - dave 
morgan, David Johnson, Robin Cornelius, Michael Callaghan, James Keasley and 
Gemma Peter. On the other side of the graphic, you can see the result of a 
previous keysigning meeting: me, Phil Brooke and Tony Atkin.

So the Plymouth keys are reasonably sorted, the Cornwall keys are the closest 
group and Exeter keys are just all over the place. 


Rick, Simon, Neil S. (using a different key to the one Rick signed before), 
Adrian, it'd be nice if you could arrange a little signing over that end of 
the area.

It's in the nature of our locality that keys from Cornwall are unlikely to be 
signed by many keys from Exeter, but I would encourage anyone to arrange 
small meetings over a pint - all it takes is to remember to bring some 
photoID and a slip of paper with your key print out.


Neil Williams


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