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Re: [LUG] Help Please

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David Bell wrote:
| would I need to upgrade/replace my current P200 Ipcop box which only
has 32Mb
| RAM?

I'll do the easy ones....

Upgrade ?!!? 32MB is more than enough for most firewalls.

| I'm assuming that I wouldn't need a Wireles Access Point.

When access points were expensive - you only NEEDED them when you have
two access points on the same physical (wired) LAN allowing you to roam
between access points (rather like mobile phones roam). i.e. the
physical ethernet extends the range of the "ethereal" ethernet.

Now access points are dirt cheap, there is even less reason technically
to have them (as almost all the features are found in the Linux kernel
and related software), but the money saved in hardware often isn't worth
the extra effort in configuring it.

Just two or three machines will work in ad-hoc mode fine, and it
probably isn't any harder to set-up than with an access point.

I've seen people using Belkin 54g stuff with GNU/Linux, but no idea if
it was easy or hard. But the wireless people are pretty good at
documenting what works with what.

I think there is also a project to standardise the wireless support in
the Linux kernel, so you might check which driver model they have
standardised on (I think the NG stuff "won") and ensure your chosen
cards are supported on that - as that will almost certainly ensure it
becomes/stays just plug-in the hardware and go, on future distro's,
bootable CDs etc.
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