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Re: [LUG] Excel mangles genes draft letter

On Wed, 21 Jul 2004 13:33:33 +0100, John Daragon <john@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

You can say that again ... The idealised bit, that is. And I think you're
wrong. What Open Source really does is to expose the quality of code to the
world, and to enable someone who doesn't like the way something is designed
to change it (providing they can be bothered to lear the language du jour and
understand the source). My experience is that distributed design generates
bad software in the same way that modern epidemiology generates junk science.

Sturgeon's law applies of course.

But observing the SPF development process and contrasting it to the development processes involving closed source in which I've had involvement, no, I retain teh impression of a parallel, sometimes conscious and deliberate and from theory, with science.

I sense an axe related to epidemiology - lets discuss it over a pint at the John Snow one day.

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