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Re: [LUG] Excel mangles genes draft letter

Simon Waters wrote:

The authors wrote programs to workaround this in Excel, had they used a free software spreadsheet with such interface issues they could have distributed an improvement, rather than distribute extra sticky plasters to manage. My dislike of the concept of managing patches is only exceeded by my dislike of managing third party patches.

The authors didn't need to issue any kind of patch - the software wasn't operating incorrectly. The researchers needed to be taught how to use the software - that is a totally different issue. With any worthwhile spreadsheet you should format the cells and create the functions before you drop your live data into it. Any other method of operation is asking for trouble to slap you in the face. the patch's were issued to work around the stupidity of the user not the software.

| This has *nothing* to do with .......
| or trying to kid the world that software has no cost.

I don't think anyone was trying to kid the world on that issue.

However the true cost of software is a lot closer to zero if you share
it. Indeed it is effectively as close to zero as makes no difference if
you only want to do things that have been done by people who share.

I've always believed this to be a fallacy perpetuated by the "Free" software" advocates. Are we talking about "free" in the intellectual sense or the financial? If we're talking the latter then free software is a nonsense. The only reason major corporations and Governments want to move over to Linux is because their accountants believe they can make financial savings. The only reason the person in the street wants "free" software is because they don't want to pay for it - mainly because it is something they can't hold in their hand (which is which software houses always put their products in large, ridiculously over packaged boxes, to try and give the software some kind of presence). They will happily pay for a PC, but not software.

The most successful open source/free operations have been Open Office and Redhat/fedora. In both cases Sun and Redhat did what they did in order to take advantage of free development. They let us do the work for nothing - instead of paying a programming and development team, and ensure that the licence agreement allows them to reap the rewards of our Freely given effort by selling or incorporating the work into their marketed products. Of course the cost of these is lower than that sold by major software houses - there are no research and development costs - the most expensive part of any project.

One has to wonder how many times over the world's geneticists have paid
for the cost of developing Excel, to end up with a tool that many of
them are finding difficult to use.

So much for the expense of University education that these people don't seem to be able to read manuals. In what ways have they paid? Apart from the cost of ignorance?

What you are looking for here is a "backup". Saving your raw data for later review/checking - that is good science, although it can get very expensive very quickly - especially where satellite based instruments are concerned in my experience.

Sorry, I don't understand the relevance of satellite based instruments here. The simplest way to ensure that you don't get the problems the geneticists did is to initially drop your data into a universal raw system such as comma delimited text files before throwing them into any kind of spreadsheets.

It also helps to identify the correct tool for the job. Many "professional" users use whatever software application is to hand irrespective of it's suitability. This is especially true of Public sector programs around the world where it difficult to have access to anything other than a corporate software base - which usually means MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint and little else , Oh, and that most "wonderful" of browsers, IEx


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