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Re: [LUG] RE: SuSe 9.1 and Sony

On Tue, 29 Jun 2004 22:25:12 +0100
"Julian Hall" <linux@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

...so I downloaded the SuSe 9.1 Personal ISO to give it a try.

Kind regards,


I was under the distinct impression that the SuSE 9.1 ISOs were for the "LiveEval" 
versions only.  I didn't think they supported full installation, only a "loopback" 
installation where you have one (or several) huge files on a FAT/NTFS partition and 
_those_ files are mounted as if they were devices (much like the method of mounting 
ISO images under Linux).  I could be wrong since I've not used a SuSE LiveEval 
thingy since 7.something, but I wouldn't have thought they'd have changed that setup.

Just a thought.

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