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On Monday 21 Jun 2004 23:30, martin.gautier@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Mandrake Control Centre seemed to have frogged my rc(x).d entries. Thanks to Robin's background info, I've got them working. Only trouble is now the apps are causing a conflict with each other and httpd (Apache2).
Set the the servers not to use the same port ie use 80 and 81 (dont forget the ssl ports as well!)
My interpretation of the problem (after a google session): Apache2 doesn't like loading itself until Tomcat is finished. Eclipse has it's own Tomcat server built in which means it gets the hump if it's loading at the same time as my Tomcat service. Running them all manually one after the other seems to work fine.
If you can run them manualy then surly it is just the init.d ordering. Just because a nasty red [FAIL] appears dosn't mean you haven't got away with what you are doing the fail appears based on the return of the command executed, although it is *VERY* messy if this has to happen.
So. Now my next problem (Humph). Although sshd is up and running, I can't seem to ssh into my box (using Putty - so I can start my scripts). Google's response is a Firewall issue but I haven't got one installed on the MDK10 box. Putty seems happy enough connecting to my RH7.2 box.
add entries in to /etc/hosts.allow to allow hosts to connect via ssh. or allow somthing like ssh : : ALLOW or ssh : ALL : ALLOW etc.. the tcpwrappers stuff sheilds other services such as ssh,pop3.imap but generates no log info in the event of a failed attempt to connect, Regards Robin (now at home)
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