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Re: [LUG] Re: LUG Stuff...

On Thursday 17 June 2004 8:36, Terence McCarthy wrote:
On Wed, 16 Jun 2004 23:01:26 -0400
Julian Hall <linux@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
 Also I am currently off
work with stress (probably not the best time to be doing this to be
You certainly have my sympathy- I lost several months of my life with work
related stress and depression, and unless you'd suffered from it it's hard
to explain how bad it is.
I wish I had had GNU/Linux to learn in 1995-96 - I just didn't know it was 
around. It can do wonders for anxiety/depression to have something new, 
challenging, controllable and personal as a distraction from the stress. 
(Just as long as computers aren't the reason for the stress!!!)

My solution was not nearly as beneficial - back then www, meant wine, women, 
and where's me money gone!


Neil Williams


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