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Alas, I am not free for any of these meetings. "Free seminars: Hear the Facts on Linux & Open Source Software 10 June - London, 17 June - Edinburgh, 29 June - Manchester, 7 July - Newport Microsoft invites you to an open and honest technology seminar about the pros and cons of Microsoft's technology platform in relation to Linux and Open Source. Click here http://newsletters.silicon.cneteu.net/t/18510/741702/6398/0/ or call us on 0870 166 6622 to register" Oddly, I don't recognise any of the names given as being experts in Linux and Open Source, but that is perhaps becuase of my limited acquantance with those that would be generally regarded as expert. Alan Bleasdale leaps to mind though, and I don't see him there. -- Adrian Midgley (Linux desktop) GP, Exeter http://www.defoam.net/ -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG Mail majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxx with "unsubscribe list" in the message body to unsubscribe.