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On Sunday 09 May 2004 9:03, Jonathan Melhuish wrote:Security is unfortunately one of those important issues that everyone ignores until it happens to them. Like how people drive somewhat more carefully after they've written of their first car (or mown down their first cyclist)... :-(
But those who complain "this is crap, it should just work!" and look at
me as if all the failings of Linux are my fault and that I am therefore
personally obliged to fix it. Those who throw their hands in the air
and boot straight back into their other OS. Those who lack any
perseverance whatsover, who are not prepared to make an effort to get
their own machine to do what they want. Will these people ever help me?
I wrote to another list recently that such users will eventually have to become extinct. It doesn't sound likely at the moment, but think about it for a moment. Security is not optional. Those users (mainly home users) who continue to want problems fixed by someone else will suffer for their delusion.
Children are targets, systems are targets - systems that you use and upon which your personal privacy may rely. Systems like banks, NHS, Inland Revenue, local councils, social services, police ... These systems matter and if the people in charge of these systems do not feel that their clients WANT security, it will slip down the priority list.Ooh, I feel this turning into an ID card debate ;-)
Do you want a virus to infect a system running a police database? You could end up with bits of Ian Huntley's record merged with your details. That'd be a barrel of laughs.Or a hacker, of course. Or more realistically, a copper who's got bored with his job and wants to screw his employer over a bit before leaving...
It's a learning opportunity. Users NEED to learn. Users must learn. Users must not simply adopt, they must adapt and improve or they will become extinct.Not everything's about security, mind. Once (people realise that) the "linux way" has a lower TCO, is more flexible and performant, competition will force them to adopt it.
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