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Think I'll give this one a miss. A manual untranslated and in Japanese? Its hard enough understanding them when they are in English (?), and syncing software that is not only untranslated from the Japanese but not understandable by a native speaker? It reminds me of a recent review in Linux Format for a Linux based Laptop. The thing was twice as expensive as an equivalent "Windows" laptop of the same spec would have been and wasn't properly configured anyway, yet the reviewer thought it was wonderful. That's what having low expectations does for you. We really have got to stop kidding ourselves that just because someone occasionally releases something with a Linux base, that it is automatically fantastic. Crap is crap in anyone's book and should be avoided like the plague. A penguin sticker on the box doesn't necessarily make it quality. The real test is "Fit for use" and quite frankly most of the linux based end-user hardware I've seen quite simply - doesn't yet meet that low standard. As for the argument that we should support anything that advances the cause - does hardware and software that doesn't cut the mustard really advance the cause of open source? I don't think so. In fact it harms it by providing ammunition to the detractors. Carl On Fri, 2004-05-07 at 22:45, Paul Sutton wrote:
Just been to the hp site they have various videos from people who are using their Linux solutions, one company dreamworks has produced Sinbad the first all linux movie, Wonder if Tux will make a cameo role, then again u don't get penguins in arabia, lol Just to finish off here is a Linux zaurus pda linkhttp://www.pdabuyersguide.com/sharp_zaurus_C860.htmPaul-- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG Mail majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxx with "unsubscribe list" in the message body to unsubscribe.
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