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Re: [LUG] Test After Mail Return

On Sun, 18 Apr 2004 09:23:24 +0100
"Charlie" <charlie.cherry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

looks like your IP has been blacklisted, if you have a dynamic IP address
then disconnect and reconnect, then all should be well. IF you have a static
IP the you will need to conntact spamhaus.org to get your name IP removed
from a spam list the someone has reported you for
<list@xxxxxxxxxxxx>: host pi.a-squared.co.uk[] said: 550
    because is in a black list at sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org (in
    to RCPT TO command)
Thanks,Charlie, but that is not my IP, and I was replying to a message on this list. 
I suppose(from the fact that my previous mail, to which you replied got through) 
that the problem is with the original post.

Oh, well, I'll wait and see if it happens again.



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