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Re: [LUG] backup MX

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On Monday 12 April 2004 23:21, Dave Trudgian wrote:

The first question is "why would you do this?".
It is not uncommon for servers trying to send you mail to have very short,
perhaps only about 1 day, queueing lengths. This situation has been caused
by the massive amount of virus and spam mail filling up queues.

What if my server was on an ADSL connection and I moved say from my term
time address to my home address over Easter?. My main MX on ADSL may be
offline for 3 or 4 days. My backup MX on the net will hold everything. It's
*extremely* simple to setup and takes no maintainance.
i'd be interested to hear one good argument toward why hosting an MX on your 
ADSL is even a slightly good idea?

Having an address aware backup MX doesn't save bounces. The messages are 
just bounced earlier, at the backup  MX rather than when they can be 
delivered to the primary MX.  
having a backup MX that is aware of local-parts saves LOTS of bounces.  if you 
don't undersytand that you shouldn't be allowed to run your own MX in the 
first place.

I accept that 
secondary MX servers are targetted by spammers but I'd much rather have a
bit more spam than risk losing email.
great. "i don't care if everyone gets lots of bounces from my mail server, but 
thats ok because it doesn't affect me."

~ Theo

- -- 
Theo Zourzouvllys
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)


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