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Re: [LUG] books going

Mark Cubitt (Ganet_UK) wrote:

Id be interested in "Java in a Nutshell (2nd ed)"
Gemma Peter wrote:

I'd be interested in Webmaster in a Nutshell.
Mike Callaghan wrote:

Apache the Def Guide (2nd ed) - no CD
Webmaster in a Nutshell (2nd ed)
Sticks hand in air. Postage and charitable contribution offered.
You can have Apache.

Terence McCarthy wrote:

Perl in A Nutshell (1st ed)
Pretty please, plus postage!
OK, that's those sorted. Can you mail me your addresses by personal
email. Alternatively, you can wait until I price all the other stuff
and I'll maybe the postage will get cheaper with more books.


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