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Re: [LUG] Useful utilities on a USB drive

On Tue, 23 Mar 2004, Gemma Peter wrote:

I am trying to assemble a collection of useful utilities for both Linux
and Windows to put on my 128MB flash drive.
Don't forget the wonders that is documentation.  I've got one of the USB 
drives myself, and I keep a small collection of useful docs on there (in 
PDF format).  A copy of your public PGP/GPG key and CV is always handy. :)

Depending on its size, you may want to consider the installer for Adobe 


- A small AV program (f-prot for example)
- ethereal (for windows and/or linux)
- Drivers for your NIC!  I've gotten myself (and others) out of several 
holes by using a USB drive to move network drivers around. :)
- I've got a all-in-one app that is a: ftp client, ftp server, tftp
server, tftp client and syslog server that can be v.handy.  Google for 
- Your bookmarks file / a list of useful URLs.

Robert Callaghan <rob@xxxxxxxxx>
PGP Key: http://azzip.net/key/          Key ID: 0xCC91844C
Fingerprint: CB6D 5430 82E1 86C0 3ECC 96F4 A0D0 3FD9 CC91 844C

"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty"
                       - Nelson Mandela

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