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Re: [LUG] Open Office 1.02 RIP

Thanks for the prompt replies.

Robin wrote:
My bets are you get a "segmentation fault"
Yep! But why wasn't it sorted after a uninstall and reinstall?

Peter wrote:
What happens when you run it from the shell?
It lists the above fault.

Mark wrote:
Either you have a lock file somewhere under ~/.openoffice or there is
a process called "soffice.bin" already running on the machine.

Unless you have any data sources set up for mailmerge it is probably
safe to do "rm -rf ~/.openoffice". For the latter try "ps -aux |grep
I can't find it on the process table. I tried the rm and ps (with and without 
the - in front of aux) but I'm not sure what's happened. Is a reinstall more 
likely to work after rm?

Thenks, Peter.

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