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Re: DNS for dclug.org.uk Re: [LUG] mail oddness

Alex Charrett wrote:
On Mon, 15 Mar 2004, Simon Waters wrote:

You might think you are a DNS slave, but did anyone tell a-squared or
the registrar?

I'll class the traffic on this list as offical notification that it's 
banana that termisoc are running as a secondary to us then :)
I think we want digitally signed email from someone we trust *8-)

You hear all sorts of stories about Plymouth Uni's IT stuff these days ;)

The zone on that server (banana) must have been close to expiring I'd have 
thought as it wasn't being allowed to transfer the zone anyway.
And allowed zone transfer I assume?

I've also now removed both backup MXs from the zone until they're working 
Why put them back ever?

Yes, the SOA is still right - I should just check my mail more sometimes 
That's about 3 hours turn-around I think - I've got DNS stuff in my
inbox at work that been lurking longer than that :(

Although that might be because Kmail crashed once too often on my today,
and the box got dragged yp two versions of Redhat Linux, instead of real
work. The S3 card is flaffing about under the redhat config tool.

(--) PCI:*(0:13:0) S3 Inc. 86c775/86c785 [Trio 64V2/DX or /GX] rev 4,
Mem @ 0xe4000000/26, BIOS @ 0xe8000000/16

Anyone running one of those under XF86 4.0.3 want to share a config file
with me? Currently it is working but the available resolutions are too
small to be much use.

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