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Re: [LUG] Firewall Testing

David Johnson wrote:
Can anyone recommend a good site that can test my FW Box.  For some
reason IPCop don't seem too keen on the use of such sites.
You want to use "Shields Up" on grc.com.
Gives quite a thorough test.
Last time I tried it was very Windows biased.

Just fire a copy of nmap at it from the outside.

Depends on your security needs you might try some extra tools (nessus is
good), but few home users need more than a box that is offering minimum
services, and those patched uptodate.

My box does a certain amount of "active" defence - if you poke the wrong
ports you'll be backlisted till the firewall software is restarted
(about 2 months ago was the last restart so be warned). So if I go to
these kind of sites without disabling these features all it proves is
conecting to certain ports triggers a blacklisting.

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