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Re: [LUG] Sagem ADSL & Mandrake 9.2

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On Tuesday 24 February 2004 10:43 am, matthewbyrom wrote:
I was wondering if anyone had a similar set up to mine:

Sagem F@xx 800 ADSL Modem (Connects via USB)
Mandrake 9.2 (reasonably fresh install, no updates done yet)
f@xxxxxx support site

Submitted by colargol on Sun, 01/25/2004 - 10:07.

This modem is quite popular in France because it is used by one of the largest 
ISP here (http://adsl.free.fr). A community has grown and some hackers have 
rewritten the driver under the GPL license. 

main site (in french) : http://eagle-usb.fr.st/pub
download page : http://fast800.tuxfamily.org/pub/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=2

You have to compile the driver yourself, I believe instructions in english 
are enclosed in the archive.

I just installed Mepis 2003.10.2 last week end, unfortunately the stable 
version (1.0.4) of the driver does'nt compile. I had to install the 
development version from 

The installation script is in english and provide the settings for several 
european ISPs.

Hope this helps,




Does anyone know of a patronisingly simple guide to get this modem to
talk to Mandrake?
The driver supports OpenBSD but interaction with Mandrake unknown. It needs to 
be compiled and configured manually. That's as easy as it gets.

The Drakconf tool doesn't seem to want to save any settings.

There are drivers supplied from the vendor. They appear to be
specifically for MDK9.1 and the instructions give no indication of what
to do when it doesn't work.
Nothing you can do, except try the manual compile option. It'll always be 
equally or more up-to-date than an RPM.

Forums have said that MDK9.2 has better third party drivers than the
vendor already installed, but I just can't seem to get this thing to

If anyone has any advice on this I'd be grateful. I totally ruined the
Never buy ADSL-USB modems. Always buy an ADSL router with ethernet support. 
Configuration is OS independent, simple route/DNS stuff.

If you have the option, ask your ISP if you can send this one back and pay the 
extra to get a ADSL router (or buy your own). Ignore any USB on the router 
and do it all via ethernet. It's the only simple way to connect over ADSL and 
it will work with absolutely every network-aware OS in existence. No more 
problems re-installing when you upgrade Mandrake to Debian.

- -- 

Neil Williams

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