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-=Sent a copy of this initialy to the 2600's, but thought the LUG may be able to help / find of interest=- Subjects: - intro to me - Eurobell - wireless - Termisoc - noisy computers My first post to the list as the 2600 group down here seems not so well known. I haven't actually got internet access at home as I can't afford it (it's an addiction anyway) - I have to do it all via sneakernet :) A brief introduction to myself - basically I'm about as knowledgable as you can get without programming or taking an interest in cracking. Tried many times to learn to code and failed mostly due to lack of self disapline but also because although I have the ideas I'm not sure I have the memory. Having said this I did once look through the code to a web server called monkeyd and submit a patch to enable symlink support. Still, I love technology and science, be it computers, whatever. I mostly just like tweaking, finding out how things work and generally being creative with a *nix box. I'm afraid I don't really share geek humor. I just take a strong interest in engineering. Some help I may be able to offer: - anything media related - your usual linux stuff - where can I find a program that does x? - anything to do with Environmental, Geography, Geology, science in general - ot: fitness/health - starting a biz (well, I know some people) - this list was a bad idea What I'm not so hot on: - "Hi, I'm trying to generate my own packets" - "Hi, I'm trying to program..." What I'd like to know more about: - making your own hardware, flashing ROMs/chips - Telecoms in this country. Darn those US .txt's! Also: I like to learn my doing things. Really can't be bothered to read about things for great lengths at a time. `If it's boring from start to finish, don't bother`. Sorry couldn't make it to the last meeting - lots of work on at the moment. I should be at the next to meet you guys. Speaking of which, is anyone going to the next Devon/Cornwall LUG meet? I've got some work to hand in the next day so may not go. I've never taken an interest in cable access, usually prefering ADSL for a more predictable service but I've read a few articles lately about cable that have got me intrigued. One article in particular was an eye opener for me; that each cable modem has its own firmware bordering on its own OS. By all means, don't bother if you think a question may be answered by a Eurobell FAQ. I'll have a look for this when I next go in to read my email: - Have any 2600er's worked for Eurobell (Telewest Broadband), or any cable companies in the UK? - How does it differ from cable in the US? - What is Eurobell by the way? The old name for Telewest Broadband? - How is the service provided? Does a seporate cable from the phone line come in or it it all through one cable? We've got two Eurobell phone lines, if we were to subscribe to cable would they need to run a cable in or do we already have everything we need? I can only see what look like phone lines running in, surely that wouldn't carry enough for internet, phone & TV? I heard it runs off a coax kind of cable, shielded? - Where are Eurobells equivalent to the BT local green box? What are the details? These things must pack some bandwidth? - What is Telewest's relationship to Blueyonder? As far as I can see it seems that Telewest provides the intrastructure, while Blueyonder are just the ISP. So who assigns an IP? * Have any 2600er's setup a link between the free-call Eurobell-Eurobell lines for a laugh? Well, I say a laugh but this is coming from someone with no internet ;) I'd pay £5 p/month if I could to save me walking in to collect my emails. ( By the way, isn't it a shame the way Telewest Broadband is so expensive;
£25 I
think compared to £6.99 and upwards from NTL? Pipex used to be £19.99 before BT put wholesale prices up. ) * Have any 2600 people thought of setting up gorilla style wireless networks? As a nieve liberal I quite fancy the idea; ready for when the internet gets locked down. Recently read an article about email access in Cambodia - it's by motorbike. A similar setup with caching and wireless could be interesting, especially if it could be run as a portable hardware appliance without relying on software. I haven't the hardware yet but I'd love to try it with software. What hardware could be adapted to do this job? There's a few website setup that talk about this but I'd like to _actually do it_, in Plymouth. I can see range as being a problem, has anyone got any experience in that? I think the major thing holding anything back is the lack of standards, or at least agreed protocols / methods along with something easy to use. * Anyone handy with BSD? I'm fine with it once installed but there's one thing that puzzles me - this slices thing. I can't seem to get my head round it. Why this extra layer over partitions? Is it an analogue to LVM or more like an answer to extended partition thing? --- News: (You may not find this of much interest) The UoP computing club is dying a death right now. Nothings happened for years. My preference was to scrap it on the basis that death is the best thing to bring it back to life; something better will form in it's place free from the mess before it. Instead there's been hardware upgrades and the like. I don't really see there's much point as: - there's precious little you can do behind the firewall. Even if you could the rules are lock-down. - the connection isn't that useful anymore; a lot of people have broadband at the same speed. In fact, they have faster home connections in places like Finland (100mbit). - nobody will join as it's social suicide - the smart people won't put any work in leaving fools and script kiddies to run it - UoP's Computing course is shocking imho, attracting only the nieve who didn't think it through - UoP don't seem to give the impression they care for 1960 hacker ethics. It seems like money over knowledge for them, which I can understand. Basically there's about 2 people who have a rough knowledgable of most subjects but we're both be leaving next year. The ones left are just beginning to try out linux... so don't expect much yet. I've suggested reforming to include computer aided arts such as Graphics and web design / music. --- * Anyone got any experience of making PC's quiet? Can't afford an iBook unfortunately. * Anyone know of a VoIP access number that works with Eurobell? -FIN- -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG Mail majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxx with "unsubscribe list" in the message body to unsubscribe.