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Re: [LUG] uptime oddity

On Tuesday 27 Jan 2004 5:43 pm, Andrew Rogers wrote:
Neil Williams wrote:
go to the UPS (2xPC,1xTFT,1xLP) which leaves more room on the extension
bar to the router, switch and speakers.
If LP=Laser Printer: A laser printer can take a lot of power due to the
No, lp as in /dev/lp0 - it's an inkjet and spends 99.99% of it's life 
powered-off. I don't like those 'always-standby' printers and I make sure I 
get an On/Off switch. It's only on the UPS because it had a spare socket and 
I already had too many devices on the extension bar. 

BTW the reason I know the heater power is because I was stupid enough to
print on non laser compatible OHP acetates, I ended up with the printers
internals shrink wrapped! I took it to bits and had to remove the
I've done that! I was luckier though - the acetate melted but didn't get stuck 
because it was one of the 'straight-through' feeder trays. It just came out 
like a collapsed paper fan. Must have been a colder office!


Neil Williams


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