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Re: [LUG] Google problems?

I had the same earlier tonight.  After about 5 mins I retried and all
was OK.

I was using win*spit*dows 2000 /w IE6.

Kind regards,


On Sat, 2004-01-24 at 01:23, Keith Abraham wrote:
On Saturday 24 January 2004 12:17 am, Tony Atkin wrote:
On Friday 23 January 2004 23:58, Keith Abraham wrote:
Is anyone else experiencing problems with Google?
Over the last week I'm often getting only the top of the search
page and it just seems to hang there no matter how long
I wait.
No, not had this... what browser/system have you got?

It's the same whatever browser I use ie Mozilla, Firebird,
Opera, Konqueror. Other search engines are OK.

I'm beginning to suspect the problem is at my end but I
a bit unsure how to check if it is.

I've just noticed that the 1st search works OK but subsequent
searches just hang. Again other search engines are OK.


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