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Re: [LUG] Watching DVD's - part 2

Thanks Lee BUT unfortunately this file doesn't exist, a similarly named file 
XF86Config-4.default (& also .template) but neither had the entries highlighted in 
the answer you mentioned. 

Starting to wonder if my 128MB, PII laptop is up to the job. Tried xine after 
installing the libraries libdvdcss. DVD played but jerky, and no sound.

Will keep persevering but don't really know why - guess I'm just sad.

On Tuesday 20 January 2004 8:47 pm, george_sinclair@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Been trying to get ogle working after installing the suggested components.
I'd be grateful if anyone can help me get beyond the next hurdle ... see
terminal output below - thanks George


<a Target='_new' 

see question 42 george,it gives a details of how to overcome your specific 



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