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[LUG] Is there something wrong with the mailgroup server ?

I could be getting reverse paranoia ....

Is it just me, or have other people been "loosing" posts from this group. I
am signed up to this group via two different e-mail addresses and I seem to
be getting more posts on my private address than I am getting on this one.
Strangely posts from Simon never seem to arrive at this (my usual address).
Sorry Simon nothing personal ;-). Of course it could be our over zealous
(her hum dare I say MS ) based spam filter(s). However in the past what I
receive to this address has been more or less mirrored post for post on my
other address.

The worrying thing is that if everybody is suffering from this problem then
how will I know who has received this e-mail and more importantly who has
replied ?
Any suggestions ?


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