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On Tuesday 13 January 2004 12:20 am, lee quick wrote:
On Monday 12 January 2004 11:42 pm, Julian Hall wrote:tell her it's a fancy doorstop? ;)
perhaps i can convince her that its the latest M$ keyboard? afterall it does run M$basic 1.1 (correction rip off from CP/M) Still holding a grudge 20 years on! hic lee
Me too! No one seems to mention that anymore. Occassionally the world at large needs to be reminded of that. In fact I can remember using CPM on a Z80 based machine (with those awful 5 1/2in floppies) and was surprised at how similar M$DOS was when Gates introduced it Apologies for revealing my age but it gets worse. My first computer was an Acorn machine, the one with the hexadecimal keyboard, a 6502 cpu and 256 bytes of memory!! I still have it somewhere in the attic along with most of my other old computers.) Keith -- SuSE 8.2 on ECS K7S5A/XP with 1.2GHz Athlon, 384MB RAM, Maxtor 20GB HD and using KDE's Kmail -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG Mail majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxx with "unsubscribe list" in the message body to unsubscribe.