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On Tuesday 13 January 2004 8:15 pm, george_sinclair@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi there - can someone please point me to where I can get the complete explanation (ie step by step instructions) of how I can watch my DVD's on my SuSe 8.2 hp 4150 laptop. I believe that I need to install some additional libraries to the default Xine player.
ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/linux/suse/apt/SuSE/8.2-i386/RPMS.packman-i686 has most of the nessesary xine files,completely remove the suse xine setup as it it interferes with the packman rpms. think the decss rpm for encrypted DVDS lives in the same ftp site but in earlier distro's folders or if memory serves -suse-people/kraxel directory. cheers, lee -- SUSE 9.0 on Abit SG-71 with 2.4GHz P4, 768MB RAM, Nvidia GF 4,Western Digital 80GB HD using KDE's Kmail. Linux Counter #212958 -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG Mail majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxx with "unsubscribe list" in the message body to unsubscribe.