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> In Bash, as one line..... > for (( i = 128 ; $i < 255 ; i = $i +1 )) ; do echo 192.168.0.$i dhcp$i ; > done >>/etc/hosts Thanks that cured it, I was thinking a bit "staticly" and this did not occur to me. As a follow up, i don't seem to be able to get automatic proxy configuration via dchp working (windows clients). I've got dns based PAC going but there is a 5 second delay in looking for the DNS version. Any special hints or tricks for the dhcp pac. I have tried :- option wpad code 252 = text; option wpad "";; in /etc/dhcp.conf but the clients just seem to ignore this. wpad.dat is shared with wpad dns pac as well so i know the script works. Regards Robin
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