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Re: [LUG] Looking for a placement


Please give us a ring. We are a Linux / unix software developer as well as supporting thin client MSwindows sites. See our web site ylem.com our software product is Mobius. We have used work experience students in the past and have one at present.

No Promises

Bill Wilson M. D.+ 01398 323146

Gemma Peter wrote:

I wrote:

This is a last ditch attempt at finding 48 weeks of work placement before end of September. Looking for skilled computer work not neccesarilly Linux. Prefer to be paid (min wage fine) will work for free, if neccesary and financially possible for me (need living costs depend on location). CV attached. Don't worry if you can't help I understand it is VERY last minute.

Thanks in advance, for even bothering to read this post.

After an email off-list from a LUG member (thanks, you know who you are)
I realised the post sounded rather bad mannered, I'm sorry I wrote it
without organising my thoughts (this often happens when my brain is
working too fast for my fingers). Also apologies for the MS Word
document, being an Open Office user I forgot that some of you might not
have office software which can read .doc files.

Although I have contacted at least 50 companies I have had no success. I
didn't mean to use this as a last resort, the thought hadn't occurred to
me before that you might be able to help.

I am particularly interested in software engineering, system analysis,
databases and web design. I've only been using Linux for about 4 months
though. At the moment I'm trying to learn to use PHP.

My degree requires me to complete 48 weeks of industrial placement
before going on to their final year. If I don't get a placement before
the end of September I will not have time to complete the 48 weeks
before the start of the 2004-2005 academic year and will have to take a
gap year. I could transfer to Multimedia Computing which doesn't have an
industrial placement year but I would like to avoid the catch-22
situation that some graduates find themselves in, where they need
experience to get a job but can't get the experience because they can't
get a job.

Thanks for your help.

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