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Re: [LUG] small job to do in Exeter

On Sunday 07 Sep 2003 1:37 am, Adrian Midgley wrote:
> initially, it is sorting out an MS Windows XP installation ...


(You did ask!)

> obLUG:  what is the best way to sort out WIndows?


Seriously, let me know more details off-list and I'll see what can be done. 

> tell me if you are available, it isn't for me but there is an opportunity
> to further the aims of the LUG.

What can really help is:
Bung an NIC card into the sick Windows box if it hasn't got one. 
(Don't care if Windows can see it).
Load Knoppix - so that we can be sure the eth0 is actually usable.
Fix the Windows partition using Linux tools and an internet connection over a 
LAN - using a Linux laptop if no other LAN available.
Leave the Knoppix CD behind, along with a boxed Mandrake set perhaps.
Alternatively, resize the FAT partition and slip Knoppix/Mandrake onto the 
hard drive.

Is this a virus-related illness, hardware related or 
oops-I've-deleted-the-wrong-file-itis related?


Neil Williams


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