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Re: [LUG] CSS breakthrough

On Wednesday 25 Jun 2003 11:17 pm, Neil Williams wrote:
> It is ongoing - there are still some pages where problems arise:
> 1. Browser support is almost there but not quite.
> 2. Some pages just seem to be awkward to get the correct CSS layout. It'll
> take me a bit longer but I am still working on those pages.

Breakthrough. My problem was the main index page, and other pages with the 
same basic layout:

A variable (depending on screen resolution, window size, font size) expanse of 
content at the top and left of the screen, so absolute positioning is out of 
the question. (absolute positioning is the easiest way of getting newspaper 
type columns of content as long as you have an absolute start point for the 
second column left edge.)

Solution: Nested <div> tags with a float attribute.

Floating a <div> is OK but until I got it to nest properly, there was always 
an offset between the top of the two columns - much like the kind of thing 
that tables would have used valign to sort out. The non-table structure is:

<div><!-- no content whatsoever here -->
<div style="float:right:width:50%">
Now put the right hand column here
The left hand column goes here

This is only the first test layout and I may well be able to get it to work 
with the columns the 'right' way around in the source code, but for now it's 
proof that layout tables really are useless.

I'll play with margin instead of width, fiddle with the nesting and the float 
and then layout tables will be declared extinct from the last few bastions on 
the site.


Neil Williams


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