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On Sat, Jan 01, 2000 at 10:54:00AM +0000, jon davey wrote:

January 1st 2002, aye, that might cause you some headaches.

> Hi, please excuse me...I should probably know this but I'm having difficulty 
> connecting to my FTP site and instead of backing up I sent my address book 
> etc there before reinstalling. I've tried my web address as host on port 25 
> and my email address on the same port but neither work. I've got no real 
> reason for choosing port 25, it was plucked from thin air. Is this where I'm 
> going wrong?.
>    Any hely is appreciated.

Port 21 is ftp. 25 is smtp.

What is your web address? Maybe that'll start to give us a clue.


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