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Re: [LUG] Broadband for Totnes

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On Monday 24 February 2003 9:25 pm, David Johnson wrote:
> I've developed a nasty allergy to Cisco routers.... why learn a language
> just to configure a router when you can get a 3com one with a nice, easy
> web interface...?

thats not what virtually any network engineer worth his [whatever] would say..

i regulalry get sent all sorts of hardware from companies trying to sell us 
things on trial both high end and low, and nothign yet has impressed me any 
where near enough to make me consider moving from cisco kit, except maybe a 
linux box (and in some cases, linux excells over cisco).

> We've got a Cisco ISDN router which I spent ages trying to configure
> (partially using the Windows only config software).

that would be the problem then.  It's kind of like moving from windows to 
linux, and complainign you don't have the shiny front end to everyhting.  I'd 
dispise any "managed" switch that has a web front end, for exactly the same 
reason windows having pointy cliky has - you have *no* control over anyhting 
- - why bother with managed in the first place? ;)  anyone that has used an  
intel "high end" switch will know excaclty what i mean..

> It's fine once you
> know how to do it, but it all just seems a little OTT... At the very
> least, you'd expect configuring the basic settings to be easy.

Try configuring a lucent AS, then you see hard ;)

90% of the time the CPE is managed by the provider, hence it's not been made 
easy for you.  cisco don't want the low end of the market, and probably never 
will.  would you pay 1000 quid per ethernet port on a half decent router, or 
4000 for a gigabit port? ;)

the soho stuff is exactly the same, it's meant for providers to send 
preconfigured to the customer, so they never have to touch it.

 ~ Theo

- -- 
Theo Zourzouvillys

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