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Re: [LUG] Super Methane Brothers

psutton wrote:
Dunno but the game seems quite good
Now what the hell am I suppose to do on the level with the
clown, and what I assume are tomato's --- if that isn't a silly
Well it seems if you hit him on the nose with a tomato he starts
glowing, so I guess I need to get a few hits on the nose in....
This is one of those annoying levels where I haven't masterd it
quick and just die a lot.

There is also a mysterious door on the level which is just one
corridor with dropping down in the middle of the screen, which I
haven't managed to walk through yet, mostly through overlooking
it the first few times.

Rats if my ATI Rage mobility card has acceleration on it messes
up the scroll bars, and if it is off some of the games are slow,
this is a stupid bug I really ought to contribute a fix....

Simon, off to ponder how ACER laptop sound works, must be
straight forward as every other distro got it working

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