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Re: [LUG] Halloween 7
Extremely interesting..
I was speaking with Bill from Ylem earlier this evening, he is now
trying to muster together a marketing force to promote OSS into business
throughout the southwest. Much ground was gained at Linux Expo but he
feels that now is the time to start putting more pressure on. From my
conversation with him it looks like his (Ylem) view point is to try to
establish resellers for the Mobius intergrated Business Application,
running on top of Linux and intergrating with many OSS Apps. My opinion
of his business strategy is this " I think Ylem are looking to produce
revenue for the business from providing real solutions to real problems.
By providing the Mobius App on a cost basis and producing revenue for
the business, from customisation of the product to suit specific tasks,
and support."
This is the kind of strategy I would agree with. For any business, you
have to give fair perceived market value. Ford spend vast somes of money
on R&D of their products but they don't charge a per seat license cost
based on the number of passengers in the vehicle. They offer a basic
model and then various extras up the pricing scale.
Microsoft however spending vast sums, offer disfunctional produce at
offensive prices and then want to charge you for using them. Then
eventually they tell you that actually they didn't work properly and so
charge you again to by an upgrade or the latest whizz bang OS; then
charge you for using it. and round the cycle we go. Foolish..
Well Micosoft aren't but UK business has got to be because they keep
paying for it.
If i go into Clarks and buy a pair of unfortunately defective shoes, I
recall the Laws point of view on goods for sale of merchantable quality.
I do not agree to put the shoes in my cupboard and buy the latest whizz
bang pair.
Rick from a Soap box recovered from last nights fire.
Adrian Midgley wrote:
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