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Re: [LUG] New User
Hello Richard.
Similar Story hear with the modem, I am looking into BBand and would be
only to pleased to pass my modem on as soon as I can.
RE Tuition
I don't think tuition is the answer, Linux is a voyage of discovery
sometimes it can be daunting and difficult but the breakthroughs are
fantastic. Get yourself a subscription to a couple of the Magazines.
Linux Format is V Good, Cover disc with programs is useful.
Trago Mills have got some cheap Books if you fancy a day out. I just
bought Teach yourself Unix for £5.50 there. Use the dclug list, also get
yourself registered to www.southwest.lug.org.uk. Lots of Stuff on there
by local users. www.linuxnewbie.org is a really good site.
Take plenty of time to read carefully through the documentation, if
something has a readme file then do just that. I said DO JUST THAT. read
the whole thing then have a go. As a Windows migrant who has implemented
Linux in my work place I have been really guilty of not reading the
documentation properly, this has caught me out loads.
With Windows you flick a few switches tick a couple of boxes and it
works for a few weeks. With Linux you read the Docs, Work out what you
want to happen. Read the Docs. Do the Install Read the docs. Do the
Configuration. Read the Docs. and run the program and then it runs and
runs and runs.
The List will help you all the time, many of us are active during the
day and night.
Welcome to our Group and Welcome to Linux
Regards and Best Wishes
Rick Timmis :-)
Richard Brown wrote:
Dear All
I am pleased to say I have recently bought Mandrake 9.0 and am
beginning to get to grips with it. Unfortunately I can't get rid of
Windows totally yet - I need to get an external modem. I am hoping to
buy one shortly.
However, enough waffle, as a new user I am wondering if anyone out
there will help me. I would like some tuition to get to grip with the
basics - I live in St Austell, Cornwall but am happy to travel or pay
expenses. Is there anybody nearby that might give me 2 or 3 hours of
there time to help me out?
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