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Re: [LUG] ADSL Recommendations

On Fri, 01 Nov 2002 15:05:17 +0000
andy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

1) I am currently with 'Demon', do I stay with them or do I change, and if I 
change, who to
I am with a "local" company Eclipse (Exeter based) who have provided me with 
excellent service, from the initial fact that they have a "wires-only" set-up route 
(so you can buy from another local company a £90 router and a filter-say less than 
£100- for the price most companies charge for a French USB modem, and who then add 
in another £15 for a filter), the support (that I've only needed to solve an initial 
BT problem) is very good, and the fees are very competitive.

After set-up I have had no need of support- it just works, so "I'd rather fight than 


Post Scriptum: (surely an anachronism in a wired world) Search the web- there is a 
comprehensive UK ADSL site (whose address I forget) which offers advice on most 
providers, an assessment/comparison of strengths and weaknesses, and other "goodies" 
which include user ratings.


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