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Rick, I'll be bringing a machine along and if you wish, we could go through the installation and configuration of each with RPM.WARNING: Unsanitized content follows. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1
On Saturday 23 Nov 2002 11:15 am, Rick Timmis wrote:
I would like and intro into MySQL, PHP, XML. I want to bring my Laptop
along and get Apache Setup along with MySQL, and PHP Modules. So I can
Distro? If you are using RH or Mandrake or Debian, that should be straightforward as the packages can make all the links between Apache and PHP and between PHP and MySQL. I won't cover the details of installation as part of the presentation, but I will bring a text that makes it clear and I'll be on hand to arrange a secure configuration of MySQL.
I'll have my laptop with a working Apache/MySQL/PHP config for comparison/testing.
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