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Re: [LUG] Re: Meeting 15-12-02

On Sunday 24 November 2002  1:09 pm, you wrote:
Jonathan Melhuish wrote:
On Sunday 24 November 2002 12:21 pm, you wrote:
I think it would be a bit silly to spread ourselves between two venues...
Bleh, sissy, sounds like great fun to me! :-P
It wouldn't be such fun if all the speakers and freebies went to St.
Austell would it :-p
Freebies?  Freebies?  Ah, then that's different...

If most people think it would be better to meet in Exeter, then (as far
as I know) nothing has yet been booked in St. Austell.

What do people think?
Well I live about 25 miles from Exeter, so it'd be a lot closer for me,
although if somebody could give me a lift then I guess I wouldn't mind.  I
guess the objective is to pick somewhere reasonably equi-distant for all
of us....

Anybody live in Plymouth?
I live in Tavistock...
OK, I'll leave you to sort out the geography, it's not exactly my strong 
point ;-)


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