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On Wednesday 25 September 2002 7:25 pm, martin.gautier@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: > Do you have any more info on this? I'm happy to do the research if you > can give me a starting point...
hmm, I'll check which organisation/part of the goverment it was, all i
remember off hand was that it had the words "rural" and "development" in the name, and they we're giving away year trials of sattelite ADSL, than subsidised after that.
I'll let you know tommorow.
> >> we're offering satellite ADSL as of next month > > Who's "we"?
Associated Networks Limited: <http://www.anlx.net/>
~ Theo
- -- Theo Zourzouvillys <theo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
-- 'ooroo
Mike...(:)-) --------------------------------------------------- Email: mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx o You need only two tools. o ///// A hammer and duct tape. If it /@ `\ /) ~ doesn't move and it should use > (O) X< ~ Fish!! the hammer. If it moves and `\___/' \) ~ shouldn't, use the tape. \\\ ---------------------------------------------------
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