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Re: [LUG] HTML !

Mark Harvey wrote:

On Friday 20 September 2002 23:50, you wrote:

Nope.  Numeric entities between 128 and 159 are explicitly undefined.
It won't show as TM in (AFAIK) any non-Windows browser unless you have
configured windows-emulation.

Any RiscOS folks around?  AIUI RiscOS has its own meanings for these
undefined entities, and they are *different* from the Windoze-proprietary
characters, so RiscOS users can expect to see something altogether
different again.

Yup - Just checked on my RiscOS machine - Character 153 is the em rule. The
trademark symbol under RiscOS is &#141; - ther you go!

Another kludge - how about creating a small gif (png?) picture of the TM
character? <stands well back from the flames>

The mark-up guide Advanced, at w3.org mentions "&#8482;" (and
&trade, but &trade doesn't seem to work anywhere).

Although 153, and 174 work find on this Linux box, trust Nick to
know about RiscOs.

All map to "[tm]" rather than a symbol, which gives another
simpler alternative ;)

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