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Re: [LUG] Firewall - info and reviews

On Thursday 12 September 2002  1:23 pm, you wrote:

I know of IpCop as a firewall, but wondered what there might be that could
run on the machine it is protecting.   I think Firestarter (a Gnome
project) can run on the same machine it is protecting.

Whilst I can appreciate the advantages of IpCop as a minimalist machine, if
you can't always guarantee a laptop (say) is working behind a firewall I
was interested in what else might be available.   And particularly
interested where there might be reviews and so on.



Paul Hewson, Postgraduate Statistics Student (part-time)
School of Mathematical Sciences, Laver Building,
University of Exeter, North Park Road, EXETER  EX4 4QE, U.K.

tel:   +44 1392 382773 fax: +44 1392 382135
email: P.J.Hewson@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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I have used http://www.coyotelinux.com/ (but not the recent additions i 
noticed on the site today).
Mainly have http://www.freesco.org running on an old 486/32mb ram with just a 
floppy but recently upgraded it to a p133/64mb ram & 2.5 gig hard drive as i 
have made use of the many packages available, squid, cron, apache with PHP4 & 
mysql. You can have several different dialups, I use BTsurftime and change 
the dialup to suit times with cron. Simple setup making services only 
available locally, second modem for dialin,( I use this and vnc with long 
distant clients to dialin and sort any problems).

Hope this helps


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