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Re: [LUG] C - global arrays

Theo Zourzouvillys wrote:

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On Thursday 01 August 2002 4:26 pm, Steve Marvell wrote:
Maybe it's late C. Is it ANSI? I'm not sure.

c99 iirc.

The explanations of const, and when it can be used I've found so
far are dated 1995 and refer to ANSI standard.

But then if I knew much about this I wouldn't be asking such
silly questions.

For Steve - I want small read only arrays like

pi5digits[5] = { 3,1,4,1,5 };

Which currently occur before main(), and are labelled extern in
a shared header file, so they can be used from anywhere.

My mistake was messing with "static" I think. 

I'm not sure if marking them read-only ("const") will speed
things up, but I figure it has to make it easier to find bugs,
and it has to give the compiler a clue.


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