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Re: [LUG] big list of cool software?

On Friday 19 July 2002 09:54, you wrote:
I'm compiling a list of pleasure, like, the top 5 or so in catagories:
(doesn't have to be free or even OSS). In fact, is there a connonical
list of commercial packages?

Also, have I missed any catagories?

Is there anything on Windows that's just not got a replacement?
A free text fully indexed database originally from Blackwell.
Very good for random bits of text information, with the capacity to add 
pictures and some scriptability, but basically just finds what you put in 

- Programming
(VB equiv?)
tcl and Python, but the development environments are not as easy to use as 
VB.  Easier to get things sorted out when they don't work for obscure reasons 
I think, but not so easy to do things of intermediate complexity (not simple, 
not seriously hard) quickly.

(Need a GUI mail reader mahognanny?)
(many browsers)
Opera - good and cross-platform

Anyone used viavoice on Linux?  I'm thinking of trying it out.

From one of the Linux desktops of Dr Adrian Midgley 

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