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Re: [LUG] big list of cool software?

Steve Marvell wrote:

Can anyone tell me if I'm missing anything stonking?

Is there anything on Windows that's just not got a replacement?

Tesco's shopping? Anything to handle Visio format sensibly? Back
Orifice - the Linux toolkits just don't compare for ease of use
- sorry.

What I'm really missing are an Access/VB replacment. 

Java/Perl - who needs mickey mouse database when you can have a
proper one for free?

I never mastered Kdevelop, but there are some other IDE's in the
style of VB/Visual Studio...

boewolf (sp?)

Beowolf - and I failed my English Literature "O" level.

(is XFS the only journalled file system)

ReiserFS achieves the same effect.

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