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Re: [LUG] Technical observations on www.cornwall.gov.uk

I have had a look at the website www.cornwall.gov.uk and it has several
issues which frustrate me.

First and for most it has several errors, which cause it to render badly
on browsers such as Netscape 6.x and Mozilla.

Check it for compliance with this link:

I suggest you come up with a publishing system not based on the poor
Frontpage product.

The general way the HTML is written is poor. You should not being using
tables all the time to set the text. Paragraphs should be simply
encapsulated in <p> tags and be positioned with CSS. Tables of for
tabulated data, and this website has abused HTML design. 

The bit I really love is 
<td height="1" vAlign="top" width="157"><img height="1"
src="file:///D|/Work/SPfiles/home_files/transparent.gif" alt width="157"></td>

Not only does this stand little chance of working on just about 
any browser but also viewing it in lynx gives "[transparent.gif]"
all over the place since it should be alt=""

Which kind of defeats the point of promoting One Vision Week :)

Aside from it being poor style it isn't even correct in the
first place.

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