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RE: [LUG] display of web site in different browsers

On Mon, 2002-06-24 at 18:15, Ray Smith wrote:

Ian P. Christian who knows much more than me said try

<img border="0" src="landsend.JPG" align="right" width="300"
<img style="border: 0px; float: right; width: 300px: height: 436px;"
src="landsend.JPG" alt="landsend" />

sorry, there is a mistake in that.
width: 300px: should have had a ; not a :
try this

<img style="border: 0px; float: right; width: 300px; height: 436px;"
src="landsend.JPG" alt="landsend" />

One thing I suggest is makeing the image file the size you want it to
display on your screen, and loosing the size attributes from the image
tag.. like this..

<img style="border: 0px; float: right;" src="landsend.JPG" alt="landsend" />

I would be very supprised if this dooesn't work, as I have something
*very* similar on my site.

Hope this help. Feel free to contact me personally with any web
design/HTML problems you have in the future.


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