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Re: [LUG] sharing email messgae store

Alex Charrett wrote:
one word, IMAP :)
Has Outlooks IMAP implementation got better then?
Outlook Express will work, with some prodding and
ignoring spurious error messages.

Any other Windows mail client is probably a good move.

Netscape had a good IMAP4 implementation, and we use it
successfully on both Linux and Windows using IMAP to share

Netscape messenger 4.7 is getting a bit long in the tooth
IME it appears to work better than Netscape 6, when it
comes to handing email.

Outlook just displayed junk when asked to talk to a standard
conforming IMAP 4 server, but it didn't do it for a month or
two, and then just failed for no obvious reason with no obvious
recovery scheme..... We installed Netscape the problems went
away ;)
Possibly Outlook is doing the same kind of thing as
OE does. Caching data it should expect to go stale
quickly (if it should be caching it at all.)

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