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Re: [LUG] GnuPG signatures

On ti, kesä?? 18, 2002 at 04:56:05 +0100, Ian P. Christian wrote:
Kia wrote:
Do you feel the same way with ssh compared to telnet? :)
That is different. Secure information gets transferred in this
situation, so encription is needed.

Who is Kia? Doesn't outlook do some sort of spell checking ? :)

But, I only sign when I feel that it is needed. I don't think that
anyone on this list (well, perhaps a few exceptions) are really lame
enough to spoof emails to the list. (although I wouldn't be shocked if
someone wanted to prove me otherwise)

It may not happen here, but it could happen in other circumstances which
could lead into real problems. We have to set the example. :)

I used to sign all my messages, but got bored of explaining it, and
realized that 99% of people I email wouldn't know what to do with it

Well, I do not think there is much point in signing an email to a friend
who is using hotmail.com for example, I agree. But if their client can
support gpg, why not?

One last point, quite often I do want the ability to deny writing
something, especially when proven wrong. :)

Yes, that there is an attractive clause, but I am one of those believers
in responsibility and morals etc. etc. I know, I should get my head
checked. ;)

Check out my cool new SIG!! Oh no, not some more bandwidth wasted I hear
you cry. Oh btw, anyone have a recording of the Osbourne show I can
"borrow"? ;)


Attachment: pgp00057.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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