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RE: [LUG] graphics cards

When you upgrade your banshee card Paul what will you do with the old one. I
used to have an old one and may well be interested in buying it when you
decide to get shot of it.

Do banshee cards still work well with xfree 4.2 apart from the problems tyou
My ati rage fury pro freezes up and whil I would love some king of nvidia
card myself my motherboard is strangly incompatible.

I sacrifice speed in the name of compatability. (and price range)


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-list@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-list@xxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf
Of Paul Sutton
Sent: 15 May 2002 17:18
To: list@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [LUG] graphics cards

What graphics cards in the GEforce range are the group using as I am
planning to upgrade my banshee eventually,  as It keeps giving me lines on
the screen only during boot up though,  it does not seem to affect X or
Windows at all.

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