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Re: [LUG] SuSE 8.0 - Login does start X

On Tuesday 30 April 2002 4:16 pm, Simon Waters wrote:
Keith Abraham wrote:
On my system there are 2 XF86Config files:-

The latter is the one generated by Sax2 and has the NVidia setup
The former config file does NOT contain the NVidia setup.
The "//" in Kdm.log seems to suggest that kdm is looking in
/etc/XF86Config whereas it should be looking in /etc/X11/XF86Config.
Does this sound plausible? And would it be worth copying the /etc/X11
config to /etc/?
All too plausible

As root I'd just try a symbolic link....
mv /etc/XF86Config /etc/XF86Config.backup
ln -s /etc/X11/XF86Config /etc/XF86Config

(on a good day "ln --backup ...." works as well, but I take my
backups manually ;)

By the way Yast2 does provide it's own runlevel editor on SuSE 8.0.
Progress I wonder?
Sorry Simon that made no difference to the login.
I've since discovered that /etc/XF86Config was where the XF86Free 3.0
config lived. Since 4.0 Xf86Config moved to /etc/X11.

I've done what I should have done a long time ago; looked in KDE FAQ.
It suggested adding

x:5:respawn:/opt/kde/bin/kdm -nodaemon

to inittab. Which I did and now have GUI login.
It's always easy in the end!

Still along the way I've learnt a few more thing about Linux.
Many thanks to you and all the other guys for your help.


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